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                         My Story



Welcome to my site !
My name is Melanie Metz . I am a high school senior ! I made my site open for all to see so you can explore and enjoy! My website is an electronic portfolio of all my works so far. I try to update as often as I can. You can find many different styles of photography  categorized into many tabs.  Under each tab I am clearly influenced in a few different ways . Each one of my shoots I try and do something I haven't shot before . It takes many different shots to find the ones I love and potentially post . My inspirations range from my family to nature , animals and more . Whenever I see something funky I tend to take a single picture get inspired and create a whole shoot. I plan to go off to college and study Elementary Education. I believe my creativity will help me with my future career I will not be leaving my artistic ability a behind they will be used daily!
Thanks for visiting my website and I hope I have inspired you to get creative .

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